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[Landmark Food] An intangible cultural heritage on the tip of the tongue - Tongguan Roujiamo


Tongguan, adjacent to the Qinling Mountains in the south, is located at the intersection of the Huang, Wei and Luo rivers. It has the reputation of "the first pass in the world" and has always been a battleground for military strategists. It is a thousand-year-old ancient city of Xiongguan, the throat of the northwest, and the east gate of Shaanxi. Tongguan, around the Yellow River Qinling Mountains and Guguan Ancient City, has built a comprehensive tourism system and routes that can be visited from north to south, with Tongguan Ancient City as the leader, including Yang Zhen Integrity Museum, Yellow River Scenic Area, Gudukou Scenic Area, Shuipo Lane, Yue Du Scenic Area, Mabao Spring Scenic Area, etc. Tongguan Roujiamo, formerly known as Shaobing Roujiamo, originated in the early Tang Dynasty. Legend has it that when Li Shimin, Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty, was riding a horse to conquer the world, he smelled a strong smell of meat when passing Tongguan one day. He went to look for the fragrance and saw the locals cooking meat and putting the meat in cakes. He ordered his entourage to buy it and was full of praise after tasting it. After tasting it, Li Shimin praised it: "Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful, I didn't know there was such delicious food in the world!" He immediately named it "Tongguan Roujiamo".

[Landmark Food] An intangible cultural heritage on the tip of the tongue - Tongguan Roujiamo.png

Roujiamo is everywhere in the snack world, but Tongguan Roujiamo is unique. The most traditional and delicious way to eat it is to sandwich cooked cold meat with freshly baked Thousand Layer Shaobing, commonly known as "hot steamed buns sandwiched with cold meat". The cake is crispy, crispy and fragrant, the meat is fat but not greasy, thin but not sticky. It tastes salty, fragrant and delicious, leaving people with a long aftertaste. Fatty and lean meat buns are standard in Tongguan Roujiamo. Purely lean meat buns with skin are another matter.

The production method of Tongguan Roujiamo is also very unique: stir refined flour with warm water, alkaline flour and lard, mix it into a dough, roll it into rolls, and bake it in a special oven. Remove when yellow. Thousand-layer sesame pancakes freshly baked have a thin and crispy skin, and while they are still hot, add the pork belly that has been cooked in advance and allowed to cool, braised with a special recipe, and the Tongguan Roujiamo is done. "Hot steamed bun with cold meat" is a major feature of Tongguan Roujiamo. In 2011, the Tongguan Roujiamo production technique was included in the Shaanxi Provincial Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection List, creating an "intangible cultural heritage on the tip of the tongue".

"Instead of making Chinese hamburgers, we want to make the world's Roujiamo." In recent years, Tongguan County has insisted on making Roujiamo the first industry, a characteristic industry, and an industry that enriches the people. It has gathered the strength of the entire county to lay out all business formats, build parks, and strengthen brands. , adhere to standards, join the "big family" of Xinhua News Agency's national brand project, further enhance the influence and brand awareness of Tongguan Roujiamo at home and abroad, and turn traditional food into a modern "beauty industry" where "one bun covers the world".