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Tang Taizong Li Shimin and Laotongguan Roujiamo


Roujiamo is a famous snack in Shaanxi, but Laotongguan’s Roujiamo is unique and seems to be better than those in other places. The biggest difference is that you must use freshly baked biscuits with cooked cold meat, commonly known as "hot steamed buns with cold meat". This is the most traditional and delicious way to eat it. The buns are dry, crispy, crispy and fragrant, and the meat is fat but not greasy. Thin but not woody, it tastes salty, fragrant and palatable, with a long aftertaste.

Tang Taizong Li Shimin and Laotongguan Roujiamo.png

Crispy and fragrant Tongguan Roujiamo

Laotongguan Roujiamo, formerly known as Shaobing Momo, originated in the early Tang Dynasty. Legend has it that Li Shimin, Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty, was riding a horse to conquer the world. When passing through Tongguan, he tasted the Tongguan Roujiamo and praised it profusely: "Wonderful, wonderful, I didn't know there was such a delicious food in the world." For thousands of years, the old Tongguan Roujiamo has made people You can never get tired of eating it, and it is known as "Chinese-style hamburger" and "Oriental sandwich".

The production method of Tongguan Roujiamo is also very unique: the pork belly is soaked and stewed in a stew pot with special formula and seasonings. The meat is delicate and fragrant; the refined flour is mixed with warm water, alkaline noodles and lard. Knead the dough, roll it into strips, roll it into cakes, and bake it in a special oven. Take it out when the color is uniform and the cake turns yellow. The freshly baked Thousand Layer Shaobing is layered inside and has a thin and crispy skin, like a puff pastry. Take a bite and the residue will burn your mouth. It tastes great. Then cut it into two fans with a knife, add the marinated minced cold meat, and you're done. It tastes rich in sauce and has a unique flavor.